
This post breaks the recent chronological sequence. In the interests of posting promptly, I have opted for a further short sequence- but taken from a different walk at a different time of day, but still not far from those I have posted to date. This series is from an image taken on a summer’s day walk near Howarth, on road atop the Lower Laithe Dam.

It is of plastic fragments- the biggest part being of a broken sign that in normal times demonstrates the local water utility company’s interest. The company that manages the many reservoirs punctuating this landscape; reservoirs that I have taken great interest in photographing and painting over the years. Hence, the significance of this fragment, which is itself is part of a reservoir cartoon.

Lower Laithe Dam 28 May 2018 15:15 Photo-etching 2020

From the earliest printings of this plate, I was convinced that some further colour would add to the depth of the image. None of the earlier combinations seemed to add much- but latterly a little underprinting with pale ink gave a greater idea of the depth here. Here I used a circular mask to strengthen the pattern where the milk bottle top covers part of the sign.

Lower Laithe Dam 28 May 2018 15:15 Photo-etching and monoprint 2020




Exhibition Day Rochdale Canal, Todmorden